Have your say on GAB management

Published: 1st November 2018

The Australian Government has extended the deadline to submit comments on its Draft Great Artesian Basin Strategic Management Plan 2018. Comments on the plan can now be made up until Friday, 9 November 2018.  

To read the Draft Great Artesian Basin Strategic Management Plan 2018 and provide comments please visit: http://agriculture.gov.au/water/national/great-artesian-basin 

Almost half of Queensland councils have allocations from the Great Artesian Basin, drawing up to 32 gigalitres of water each year. The reliability of this water supply is critical for the 750,000 people who live over the basin in Queensland.  

The Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy held several workshops in Roma, Cunnamulla, and Stamford during October to provide opportunities to learn more about the plan.  

Councils are encouraged to read the plan and ensure that local challenges, opportunities, and future plans described in the plan reflect the conditions in their communities.  

Local government interests are also represented on the Queensland Government’s Great Artesian Basin Advisory Council. Cr. Fiona Gaske from Balonne Shire Council and Scott Mason, CEO from Central Highlands Regional Council were given seats on the Council earlier this year.   

Councils are encouraged to contact Cr. Gaske, Mr. Mason or Arron Hieatt (LGAQ’s Lead – Water and Sewerage Infrastructure) if there are any additional comments or concerns about the Great Artesian Basin. 

Artesian basin advisory council members

Great artesian basis map