What's up for debate at Annual Conference?

Published: 4th October 2017

Here's a snapshot of some noteworthy motions to keep an eye out for.

From coastal inundation in the Torres Strait, to telecommunications blackspots and mental health services, more than 110 motions are on the table for debate at this year’s LGAQ Annual Conference.

Check out the final motions agenda.

Motion 17: Airbnb and housing affordability

The formalities:

That the LGAQ lobby the State Government seeking action to formulate a clear policy and response to the use of residential properties for short term accommodation where facilitated by on-line booking agencies including:

  1. Requiring the on-line booking agencies to provide Councils with property addresses so that they can help to ensure properties comply with appropriate planning schemes and rating requirements;
  2. Consideration of the long-term impact on local communities including the availability of rental accommodation stock, impact on housing affordability, impact on local amenity and potential impact on existing tourism properties.

The low-down: 

This motion will address concerns about the impact short-term accommodation rentals - like Airbnb - has on housing affordability. 

Beach home

Motion 23: CCTV vs reality TV

The formalities:

That the LGAQ lobby the State Government to amend the Right to Information Act 2009 specifically to disallow release of CCTV footage under the RTI Act, to un-associated third parties, with the exclusion of law enforcement agencies.

The low-down:

This motion aims to stop media and others - like reality TV producers - getting their hands on CCTV footage.

Motion 25: Taking control of Queensland's street lights

The formalities:

That this conference call on the State Government to accede to the LGAQ's request to transfer through sale or lease of street lightings controlled by Energy Queensland (Energex and Ergon Energy) into an entity controlled by local government.

The low-down:

The LGAQ earlier this year put forward a "bold idea to light up the state" - a bid for Queensland councils to own and upgrade the technology behind Queensland’s street lighting network, including a plan for a 40 percent reduction in energy consumption.

This was knocked back by Energy Queensland, with LGAQ CEO Greg Hallam describing it as a "lost opportunity".


Motion 52: More penalties for heritage building demolition 

The formalities:

That the LGAQ lobby the State Government to consider an amendment to the Planning Act 2016 and related legislation to provide for alternative penalties (other than solely financial) where a development offence has been committed in a Character Precinct or in relation to a Heritage Listed site.

The low-down:

This montion calls to penalise developers more for illegally demolishing heritage buildings.

Motion 56: Rising sea levels in the Torres Strait

The formalities: 

That the LGAQ lobby the State and Federal Governments to establish a 50/50 policy and funding program for the protection and remediation of coastal public infrastructure, at immediate threat of damage or loss due to tidal, storm surge, inundation and erosion in the Torres Strait.

The low-down:

14 islands in the Torres Strait are already being impacted by rising sea levels, with some $100million of critical infrastructure in the hazardous coastal zone.

Torres strait is

You can read the final motions agenda online.