Dead straight bat

Published: 30th October 2020

Political impartiality is one of the LGAQ’s key advocacy tenets. It has been for decades. We do not play politics. We call it issue by issue. If the policy is good for councils and their communities, we back it.

If it is not, then we will push back

Fair, firm, and friendly is our practice. Give praise where it's due and stand our ground when need be, whichever side of politics we are dealing with. Picking political sides is for the birds. It is a one-way street to oblivion. It means your Association is well prepared to work with whichever party - or group of parties in the event of a hung Parliament - form government after tomorrow’s State Election.

We have spent most of the year preparing to secure the best possible deal with whoever wins the keys to 1 William St for the next four years. Whether it be through our COVID-19 Battleplan for Queensland Local Communities or our State Election Priorities –decided by your Policy Executive representatives on your behalf -  the LGAQ has been working hard both publicly and behind the scenes to ensure support from all sides.



And boy have councils had some wins. Have a look at the final LGAQ State Election Report Card to see how successful the campaign has been.

The hard work starts straight after the next State Government is formed with ministerial briefings, follow-ups on commitments, and engaging with the Opposition and crossbenchers. The LGAQ never ignores the Opposition, ensuring we always pay them due respect and attention.

That practice has served our member interests very well and will continue. As President Mayor Mark Jamieson and I have said a number of times over the past month, our sphere of government, more particularly our members, have never had more State and Federal funding and commitments on offer with close to $1 billion promised over the next few years.

Our job now is to ensure those promises materialise.

A big thank you to our members

On that note, I would like to thank Mayors and Councillors for backing in the LGAQ’s State Election campaign.

As this campaign and countless others like the Battleplan for Queensland Local Communities have shown, we are stronger as a sector when we are united.

At last count, more than 14,000 people have visited the website with voters from marginal seats like Bundaberg, Maryborough and South Brisbane logging on to see what the political parties are offering local government.

Thank you folks.